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Invest in Crypto with Trusted Trading Bot!

Pionex review Pionex has been one of the fastest growing trading platforms in Asia in 2020 and it is now set to capture even more of the global market in 2021.  What makes this company so popular is the trustworthy team of professionals behind it and the top notch automated trading tools that it offers for free to all clients. It has around 100,000 users and it is one of the biggest Binance brokers while it aggregate liquidity from Huobi Global at the same time. It already has a U.S. MSB license and is pending for a Singapore MAS license. It never issued its own token like other exchanges and it is more likely to reach NASDAQ with an IPO than just pull another ICO.  This company is backed by BitUniverse, and invested by prominent Chinese venture capital firms Banyan Capital, Shunwei Capital and Zhenge Capital. Pionex crypto trading bot  The company's most popular trading tool is the: Grid Trading Bot . Grid Trading is the strategy that has been used in the forex market and it basi

What is the Most Effective Free or Paid Keyword Research Tool?

Source: unsplash  Most effective keyword research tools   Doing keyword research and analysis is a necessary part of modern SEO.  Keyword research is one of the most important things you need to do before writing your website content in order to rank high on the Google search results . And without the right tools, it’s practically impossible to find the right keywords to rank for. There are different SEO tools available for small businesses and SAAS. A good keyword tool must be able to give you the following data: Search volume : how many people are searching for this keyword. KD or Keyword Difficulty : if you’re a beginner, target keywords with a KD lesser than 30. CPC or Cost Per Click : average Cost Per Click in Google Ads. PPC or Pay Per Click : this tells you the level of competition in PPC for the keyword in Google Ads. Trend : this shows you the rise and fall of the keyword’s search volume over the past few months. These are the Top SEO tools that can give you all the data ment

Learn How to Expand your SEO in 2021!

Source: pixabay Top SEO trends that you should follow in 2021 Core web vitals In 2021 you need to improve your Core Web Vital Scores but it depends on your site. For example, a site that runs on Shopify will be different compared to one that runs on WordPress.  When you open the Google Search Console , click on “ Core Web Vitals ” then you will see what you need to fix. The most important is focus on Google’s mobile-first index means that mobile scores are what really matter. Artificial Intelligence improvement With AI improvements ranking factor can change from query to query. With machine learning algorithm ( Rank Brain ) Google uses to sort the search results. With help of the algorithm Google process the search queries.  The rank brain will be improved with time and become the most important ranking factor in the next years. SEO for mobile devices You must optimize your website for mobile devices. According to CNBC nearly three quarters (75%) of the World will use just their smart

How to Sell products Online with High Profit Margin?

Source: pixabay Do you want to start your own eCommerce business from home?  You should only sell things if you make money, and maintain a considerable and sustainable profit margin. According to my selling experiences the easiest products to sell are not the products that most people want - they are actually hard to sell since the competition is fierce - but rather the things you can make the most profit on.  Here is my guide - How and what to sell online in 2021! High profit margin : Price range should be between $100–300. You know why? Because is your profit margin. On a $10 product, your margin will be $2 while on a $200 product you will earn around $25–50. This way you won’t need to sell thousands of products just to make the minimum profit to get by.  Don’t sell low-cost items for $5-10 since their profit margin will be too low . Shipping cost : Shipping cost can become a huge factor for large and heavy products, especially if you offer fast shipping options. An express courier

What is the Best SEO software for Small Business owners?

Best SEO software review Mangools originally was KWFinder and it was developed in 2014 as a project of one man, Peter Hrbacik. At that time, it was a stand-alone keyword research tool, designed to quickly find long-tail keywords that would be easy to rank for in Google SERPs. Mangools is a set of user-friendly SEO tools, designed for both beginners and professionals to cover everything from keyword research through competitor analysis to rank tracking or spying on competitor’s backlinks.  Best online marketing tools for small businesses  If you are an SMB owner and seeking for a low-cost SEO software Mangools is the most affordable solution for your business in 2021. Using this SEO tool you'll be able to improve your website's SEO rankings and increase organic traffic in 2020 and beyond that! Many SEO SaaS products such as - SEMrush and Ahrefs - have gradually pivoted toward enterprise customers. Today, typical pricing for a mid-tier plan on a leading SEO software suite is aro

How to Invest in Bitcoin step by step!

Source: pixabay Best cryptocurrencies to invest in Are you planning to make money online and invest in cryptocurrencies? According to Trading-education these are the best cryptocurrencies to invest in right now: Bitcoin  Litecoin  Ethereum Do you want to know What are the top cryptocurrencies to invest in 2021? Click here ! Best cryptocurrency platform to invest in High-yield investments are a way to obtain a source of constant passive profit. Today there are a lot of directions that allow you to earn big money, but unfortunately, they are available mainly for professionals and holders of large capitals. As for private investors with small amounts of money, the sphere of high earnings is inaccessible for them, but this australian firm have decided to change this situation and provide an opportunity for all those who want to earn on the Global Cryptocurrency Markets .  They are a modern investment company , which finances a diversified portfolio of investments.  Their key instruments