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Shopify Store Speed Optimization Step by Step

Why Shopify Page Speed Matters Customers have come to expect extremely fast website load times that create smooth and easy shopping experiences. If your Shopify store is too slow it can negatively impact the customer’s experience, which can prevent them from buying from your store. How to prevent this situation? Read below! Website Speed Optimization Tools Sometimes you need to check your store’s speed performance and determine whether you need to address load times. You can use Google Speed Insight and Gtmetrix for analyzing website speed. These online based tools analyze the content of a web page, then generates suggestions to make that page faster on desktop and mobile devices . You can save money if you are computer savvy just follow these steps and make your Shopify store load faster: #1 Image optimization Optimize your photos before you upload them to Shopify. Reduce file sizes and compress your images without losing quality. If you use PNG images convert them to JPG images on